We are a registered, non-profit, international organization based in Denmark. We have a vast network of senior well-known international researchers, junior researchers, students in different medical disciplines in addition to researchers and students of information technology and artificial intelligence. Our large social media network is diverse, vibrant and global.
OpenSourceResearch Collaboration started as small family which is growing rapidly from day to day. We have published 16 research articles, comments, editorials and debate articles in leading medical journals.
We have research projects in different phases of production, from the concept development through systematic review to the design of intelligent solutions that aim to integrate medical knowledge and artificial intelligence. The list of our partners is expanding to involve more journals, organizations and medical industry.
Part of our social responsibility is our contribution to research in low and middle-income countries. Through workshops, mentorship and engagement of researchers from low and middle-income countries.
The most amazing thing is that we started completely from scratch in 2021!
We have no infrastructures based in the deep pocketed medical industry, traditional academic centers or governmental agencies. Our members are our infrastructure. We believe in collaboration, that is why we support other collaborative projects such as GlobalSurg, CovidSurg, REACCT, EUROPOWER, ESCP cohort studies and many more.
You are more than welcome to join us and contribute to our organization.
Being a non-profit, international organization with no sponsorship from medical industry, academic centers, or governmental agencies, we need funding to keep our activities alive and sustain development.
Most of all projects have some information technology or artificial intelligence elements. We are looking therefore for partnership with medical industry, academic centers and governmental agencies. The pace of our projects makes it necessary to invest in hiring freelancers or buying working hours from companies specialized in digital healthcare systems and/or artificial intelligence to deliver the solutions that match our research needs. We need funding for such investments.
As the organization grows, our outreach goals grow and we need funding to administration costs.
Our workshops in low- and middle-income countries require sponsorship to deliver these workshops in professional frames.
Last but not least, it is crucial to sponsor the work of our coordination team that supervise different projects beside their full-time work obligations. We need to find some funding to free the coordination team at least 1-2 days to be dedicated to our projects. This will ensure high quality innovative research.
We have ambitions to strengthen OpenSourceResearch Collaboration as an open platform where people can contribute with their ideas and use our research capacity as incubator and at later stages of research as accelerator.
We are working to extend our outreach so that the OpenSourceResearch Collaboration becomes a well-known organization for students and researchers in fields such as information technology, bio-informatics and artificial intelligence both in Europe and internationally.
We would like to establish partnerships with funding agencies and medical industry to support our research. This is a win-win solution where OpenSourceResearch Collaboration contributed with ideas and insights while the medical industry and funding agencies contribute with funding or sponsorship.
As an open platform, we would like to share our knowledge whenever needed. We see OpenSourceResearch Collaboration as a big platform which is open to everyone with some specific patent-protected projects to ensure the rights of sponsors and partners. WordPress is a good example to explain this view. While WordPress is an open platform, it includes plug-ins and adds-on that have been developed to be sold as complementary solutions.
We would like to continue our commitment to improve clinical research in low- and middle-income countries through workshops and mentorship.
Research is an intellectual adventure. If we are not enjoying this adventure, we are not learning. OpenSourceResearch Collaboration will strive to support a culture where research and education are part of life-long intellectual adventure to build our knowledge and contribute to the well-being of our societies.
Spin off StartUps from OSRC. We aim to encourage spin off StartUps based on the different research tools that OSRC is exploring.
Read more about our research projects and partnership with OSRC by clicking the buttons below.