Date for Statutes: 27. September 2020
Date of Amendment 1: 13. September 2021
Date of Amendment 2: 27. September 2022
1. Name of the Organisation
The name of the Organisation is:
OpenSourceResearch Collaboration (OSRC)
2. Purpose of the Organisation
The purpose of the Organisation is as follows:
Amendment 1:
The organisation helps members get assignments as consultants, teachers, lecturers and moderators on courses, workshops and bootcamps etc.
Amendment 2:
The organisation works together with its partners with in raising funds, funding activities, planning the fellowship program for members and other activities in relation to the organisation’s purpose.
3. Membership
Paragraph 1:
Membership shall be open to scientists, physicians, nurses, engineers and persons interested in research in all medical specialties.
Paragraph 2:
The Executive Committee shall decide whether the conditions for membership under paragraph 1 are met.
Paragraph 3:
Membership shall be in writing via the organisation’s e-mail or form on the organisation’s website.
Paragraph 4:
Withdrawal from membership shall be made in writing via the Organisation’s e-mail or form on the organisation’s website. Subscriptions paid in the current year are non-refundable. Members who have not paid their subscription for one year are considered to have withdrawn.
Paragraph 5:
Members are not liable for the organisation’s obligations.
Paragraph 6:
A proposal to exclude a member may be made by the Executive Committee or by 25% of the members. The decision on exclusion shall be taken at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 6.
Paragraph 7:
The membership fee shall be evaluated once a year by the Executive Committee.
4. Junior membership
Paragraph 1:
Medical or computer science students may be admitted as junior members in accordance with paragraph 3.1.
Paragraph 2:
The subscription for junior members and members from developing countries shall be 60% of the ordinary subscription.
Paragraph 3:
Membership is in writing via the organisation’s e-mail or form on the organisation’s website.
Paragraph 4:
Junior members do not have voting rights and cannot sit on the Executive Committee. In addition, junior members have the same rights as ordinary members and can participate in meetings, courses, events or similar.
Paragraph 5:
Withdrawal from the Organisation is done in writing via the Organisation’s e-mail or form on the Organisation’s website. Members who have not paid their subscription fee for one year are considered to have resigned.
5. Structure of the organisation
Paragraph 1:
The supreme authority of the organisation is the General Assembly.
Paragraph 2:
The Executive Committee shall be elected at the General Assembly. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected every 3 years. They may be re-elected only once for subsequent terms.
Paragraph 3:
Any representatives of the organisation on the Executive Committees of other organisations, representative bodies and similar bodies shall be elected by the Executive Committee. The election must be confirmed at the next General Assembly.
Paragraph 4:
The organisation shall be represented externally by its President and Vice-President.
Paragraph 5:
The Executive Committee may set up committees for individual specialities and other committees to advise the Executive Committee in specific areas. The representatives in the specialist committees are elected every 3 years. They may be re-elected only once in the following term.
Paragraph 6:
The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the Executive Committee every three years. They may be re-elected only once during the following term.
Paragraph 7:
One or two members may continue for a maximum of one year after the end of the term of office if the General Assembly so approves by a 2/3 majority.
6. Ordinary General Assembly
Paragraph 1:
An ordinary General Meeting shall be held every year in the second half of the year.
Paragraph 2:
The General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee, by e-mail, with at least 8 weeks’ notice.
Paragraph 3:
The convocation must contain an agenda with the following fixed items:
Paragraph 4:
A member may, by written request to the Executive Committee at least four weeks before an Ordinary General Assembly, have a matter included as an independent item on the agenda.
Paragraph 5:
The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum when at least 5% of the members of the organisation are represented. Otherwise, elections to the Executive Committee and matters to be voted on shall be decided by ballot. The ballot shall be called by the Executive Committee within four weeks before the General Assembly.
Paragraph 6:
Elections and matters on the agenda may be voted on by written proxy. Each member present may bring four proxies. The proxies must be received by the Board and approved at the beginning of the General Assembly.
Paragraph 7:
Decisions at the General Assembly shall be taken by simple majority. Voting may be by show of hands, but must be in writing if a member request that. The election of the President, other members of the Executive Committee, auditors and deputies shall be by written ballot.
Paragraph 8:
In the event of a tie in the election of the President, a binding re-election shall be held; in the event of a new tie, the election shall be decided by drawing lots. In the event of a tie in other matters, the President’s vote shall count twice.
7. Extra-ordinary General Assembly
Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee of the OpenSourceResearch Collaboration. If three members of the committee wish for the assembly to occur, or if a fifth of the members of the organisation request it in writing, it shall happen. Written notice of an Extraordinary General Assembly must be given at least fourteen days in advance and the request to hold extraordinary general assembly must be honoured at least four weeks after the date of the request.
8. The executive committee
Paragraph 1:
The Executive Committee, consisting of a president and 4-6 members, shall be elected at the ordinary General Assembly every three years. Each year two deputies are elected for one year. An auditor and an alternate auditor shall also be elected. A broad geographical distribution in the world shall be sought for the positions on the Executive Committee and the committees. A member elected by election due to the premature departure of another Executive Committee member shall be elected only for the remaining term of the departing Executive Committee member.
Paragraph 2:
Voting shall be by written ballot. The maximum number of names to be entered on the ballot papers shall correspond to the number of vacancies on the Executive Committee or the Auditors. The nominees elected by the current members of the Executive Committee and the Auditor who receive the highest number of votes shall be elected as back ups in the order corresponding to the votes cast.
Paragraph 3:
The Executive Committee shall be constituted immediately after the General Assembly by a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.
Paragraph 4:
Re-election of members of the Executive Committee may only take place once, for two members during the following terms cf. Paragraph 5.6.
Paragraph 5:
The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of all Executive Committee meetings. No decision may be taken by the Executive Committee unless four of its members are present. In other respects, the Executive Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
Paragraph 6:
The Executive Committee shall keep and administer a list of the members of the organisation and shall lay down the rules for its use.
9. The expenses of the executive committee
Travel expenses of Executive Committee members and Committee members to convened meetings shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rates of the Danish State.
10. The Amendments to the Statutes
Amendments to the Statutes may be made by a General Assembly with two thirds of the votes cast. Amendments to the Statutes put to a vote pursuant to Paragraph 5.5 may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
Proposals for amendments to the Statutes must reach the Executive Committee at least fourteen days before the convened General Assembly.
10. Dissolution of the organisation
Decisions to dissolve the Association shall be taken in accordance with the same rules as for amendments to the Articles of Association. Upon termination of the Association, any Dissolution of the organisation can only take place with a 2/3 majority at two consecutive general meetings, one of which must be ordinary.
In the event of dissolution, the organisation ‘s assets must be used in accordance with the purposes set out in § 2 or for other non-profit and charitable purposes. The decision on the specific use of the assets is made by the dissolving general meeting.
Proposals for amendments to the Statutes must reach the Executive Committee at least fourteen days before the convened General Assembly.