OpenSourceResearch collaboration (OSRC) continue its educational program with a new workshop for young researchers in low-and middle-income countries.
The next workshop will be held in Jammu and Kashmir province in India.
The two-days workshop is a new collaboration between OpenSourceResearch orgnaisation and Govt Medical College Srinagar
The workshop will be held on the 28th-29th October as a hybrid activity in which participants can join physically or online. Five well-known experts speaker will join the OSRC facilitators to talk about:
–Learn more about artificial intelligence: talks be experts from computer science and healthcare innovation departments.
–Get free one year membership in OSRC with all the advantages for the members.
-See the beauty of Jammu & Kashmir
The workshop will include many open discussions and group exercises.
To allow more participants to benefit from the workshop, OSRC decided to run it as a hybrid workshop with possibilities to attend physically or online.
Members of Open Source Research organisation can join free of charge.
More details will be presented on our website in the coming few weeks.
One of the aims of OpenSourceResearch collaboration is to reduce the expanding gap between developed and developing countries. This can be achieved through continuous education of researchers and to-be researchers from low-and middle-income countries.
The inclusion of low-and middle-income countries in generating scientific knowledge will increase generalizability of research results.
Other subjects covered in this workshop will be:
Three reasons to explain why OSRC focuses on developing countries
1. Economic resources: developing countries or call them emerging economies have huge, sometimes untapped resources. Misallocation of resources is common but this is manageable.
2. Pool of talents: These emerging economies have well educated and young population but they need training. This is also manageable.
3. The ubiquitous use of internet and mobile phones: makes it possible for these emerging economies to leapfrog and catch with the developed world. Open-source products are available to researchers but they need to know more about them. This is also manageable.
Higher levels of education is a decisiv factor:
In a new book, “Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies”, the World Bank uses an algorithm to sort through many combinations of countries, looking for groups that seem to be converging with each other. Based on the productivity performance of 97 economies since 2000, the bank identifies five clubs. The three gloomiest groups comprise fairly poor countries. A fourth contains some big ones of unfulfilled potential, such as Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa.
The most successful club spans all today’s advanced economies as well as 16 emerging markets, such as China, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
Professor Niki CHRISTOU, MD, PhD, Docent, France, coordinator of OSRC membership committee
Professor of General Surgery, Medical School, Limoges, France
Digestive surgeon-Consultant, Digestive Surgery Department, University Hospital of Limoges, France
• Master degree, Life Science and Health, “Health Department”, Medical School, 2011
• Inter-university diploma, Visceral Traumatology, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (69), 2012
• Master degree, Surgical Sciences Cancerology, University Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne (U.P.E.C) (94), 2013
• Inter-university diploma, Endocrine Surgery, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (69), 2015
• Post-graduate diploma (DES) in General Surgery, Medical School Limoges, 2015
• Diploma in Medicine with the specialty as surgeon (MD), Medical School Limoges (87), 2015
• Post-graduate diploma (DES) in Oncological Surgery, Medical School Limoges, 2016
• PhD in Science – Biology, University of Limoges, 2017 – “Colorectal cancer stem cells and a new diagnostic, prognostic and theranostic biomarker of aggressiveness”
• Post-graduate diploma, Digestive Surgery, Medical School Limoges (87), 2017
• Inter-university Diploma, Clinical Research Investigator, Medical School (87), Limoges, 2020
• Docentship Biology – Health, University of Limoges (87), 2021 – « Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université de Limoges, 2021 » : « accreditation/authority to supervise research »
• Medical student, Medical School Limoges (87), 2003-09
• Resident in Surgery, Digestive Surgery, 2009-2015
• Certificate of full registration as a Doctor in medicine with specialist registration as a general surgeon, General Medical Council, France, October 2015
• “Chef de Clinique” : “Clinical Head Assistant”(CCA), Endocrine, General & Digestive Surgery Department, University Hospital Limoges, 2015-2018
• Consultant Competition Award, France, February 2017
• Academic Clinical Research Fellow, Surgery Digestive Department, Colorectal Surgery Unity, Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, 2018-2019
• Consultant, Endocrine, General and Digestive Surgery Department, University Hospital Limoges and Saint-Junien Hospital, 2019-2020, France
• Certificate of full registration as a Doctor in medicine with specialist registration as a general surgeon, General Medical Council, United Kingdom, March 2020
• Associate Professor, Endocrine, General and Digestive Surgery Department, University Hospital Limoges, France September 2020
• Colorectal surgery fellowship with academic clinical research, November 2020- November 2021 Surgery – University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, United Kingdom
• Professor of General Surgery, University Hospital of Limoges, France, May 2022
Jara Pascual, MBA and Master of Telecommunication Engineering, is founder and CEO of Collabwith, an author and an entrepreneur focused on innovation. Collabwith is an online platform bringing people together and encouraging collaborations online and offline. As board member of the Forum Knowledge4Innovation, her voice is heard regularly at the European Parliament discussing the topics of female investment, digitalization, from Lab to Market and academia-industry collaboration. She is also the host of the Innovation Podcast “Business of Collaboration”. Chair of the WG Innovation Ecosystems at AIOTI and Co-founder EuroSpaceHub. She writes about innovation and collaboration management for different online magazines, is a telecommunications engineer and has worked for 15 years in Innovation Management doing transformational innovation culture and projects in a number of Fortune 500 Companies and R&D Labs.
Lead of CollabWith Jara Pascual, Spain
Dr. Pawan Mathur, colorectal surgeon and lecturer, UK, member of OSRC education committee
Current position
Consultant General, Colorectal & Minimally Invasive Surgery Royal Free London Foundation Hospitals NHS Trust.
Honorary Senior Lecturer UCL
1984-1990 Medical School, St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School
1995 FRCS II Royal College of Surgeon England
2002 FRCS III (Gen Surg) Royal College of Surgeon England
2002 MS University of London
Alaa El-Hussuna, lead OSRC
Ahmed Abdulazeez, engineer, member of OSRC
Accomplished expert in multiple computer languages and Linux-based OSes. Skilled educator with accomplishments in high-performance computing, GPU computation, evidence-based analysis, and innovative solutions to healthcare issues and research. Cutting-edge researcher and consultant in AI, machine learning and data science. Team-oriented manager capable of providing bioinformatics support and creating analysis platforms for medical and biological research. A life-long learner and dreamer who is passionate with Yoga, Vipassana mediation, education, sustainability, and prosperity.
Professional Experience
Novodan ApS, Aalborg East, Denmark
Director, Senior Data Scientist, Deep Learning Infrastructure Engineer
● Co-founded Novodan ApS – a consulting company in big data analytics, high performance computing, innovation management, biomedical research, econometrics, and digital transformation.
● Deliver satisfying HPC management service for Zenseact (Sweden): Manage, migrate, and maintain HPC clusters built on top of NVIDIA DGX nodes. Tools: SLURM, ansible, NVIDIA’s DeepOps, Flask.
● Play active roles in optimization of deep learning workflow and quality assurance.
Vang Le-Quy, senior data scientist, member of OSRC research committee
Aalborg University, Aalborg East, Denmark
Senior Data Scientist, Assistant Professor, Infrastructure Specialist
Teach courses and design workshops for researchers developing competence in data science tools and techniques in high-performance computing (HPC) environment. Administer NVIDIA DLI courses in CUDA, RAPIDS, and Computer Vision. Aid researchers in different fields in working with AI and data science. Repair coding issues for those using the NVIDIA DGX2 cluster. Apply infrastructure, HPC, and bioinformatics support to Covid-19 genome sequencing projects.
● Served as NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute’s sole Ambassador to Aalborg University and third person to hold title in Denmark.
● Administered NVIDIA DLI courses in CUDA C/C++, CUDA Python, RAPIDS, and Computer Vision.
● Developed expertise in SLURM and Linux administration.
● Interacted as a system administrator for DGX2 cluster by using NVIDIA’s DeepOps deployment packages and modified program for Singularity installation.
● Standardized naming conventions for more effective communications for team
● Enhanced massive parallel computing on NVIDIA GPUs and supercomputers.
● Earned certification in 6 subjects in GPU computation, data science, and Linux
Aalborg Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark Bioinformatician and Molecular Biologist
Created cluster infrastructure and bioinformatic workflows for providing clinical-grade results in molecular diagnosis of rare genetic diseases, cancers, and pathogenic viruses. Utilized various levels of next-generation sequencing technologies such as SOLiD, Lifetech Ion Torrent, and Illumina. Oversaw quality control and standardization of data analysis workflow by implementing guidelines and the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).
● Performed analysis on raw datasets of hundreds of gigabytes on an HPC cluster.
● Established and managed a bioinformatics data analysis platform for NGS data that included microorganisms and human samples.
● Customised and improved open-source projects written in Python, R, C, C++, Java, Scala, and D
● Formed innovative workflows that analysed human genome variants to improve genetic disorders testing.
● Co-authored 5 papers on clinical genomics
Aalborg University, Aalborg East, Denmark Postdoctoral Researcher
Devised investigative project on metatranscriptomics of bacteria that infect knee and hip joints in collaboration with Protese-Relateret Infektion og Smerte (PRIS) consortium. Researched transcriptomics of denitrifying bacteria on activated sludge of waste water in a treatment plant. Improved open-source projects written in Perl to assist fellow workers and students.
● Generated tag-based transcriptome of denitrifying bacteria.
● Published 5 papers in molecular biology and bioinformatics
Muhammed Elhadi, scientist, surgeon, Libya, member of OSRC global outreach committee
-University of Tripoli, MBBCh Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Tripoli, Libya | Sep 2010 – Sep 2019
-Internship Training Tripoli, Libya | Dec 2019 – Feb 2021
1. Medical Doctor, Ministry of Health, Libya Tripoli, Libya | Feb 2021 – Present
2. Research Fellow, University of Tripoli Tripoli, Libya | Sep 2019 – Present
1. Libyan Medical Research Network, Founder, and Primary Investigator Tripoli, Libya | 2018 – Present
Led this student/doctors initiated group to work on > 30 projects that were published/under review
2. Have been part of > 40 international research groups as part of steering/operation committee/national/regional leadership (more details
can be sent upon request) International | 2018 – Present
Selected-Awards-Highlight (More than 15 awards/honours)
1. ISCOMS Research Fellowship Training (funded scholarship) Netherlands | 2020
2. 8th EACR-OECI Joint Course Molecular Pathology Approach to Cancer (funded scholarship) – June 2018 Netherlands | 2018
Summary: More than 130 published/accept papers in international peer-review journals. >40 international conference presentations.
Citations: 8170, H-index: 31, i10-index: 64 (4th September 2022)
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Peer-review activities: > 500 papers reviewed in > 75 journals, > 100 papers edited for 5 journals
Academic Editor: PLOS ONE, Editor: Frontier in Surgery, Psychology, Public Health….
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